Tuesday, December 1, 2009

No Room in the Inn

There was a reason for this to happen to the baby Jesus - to be born of the Virgin Mary, simply to show us that all are born equally. No one is better than anyone else. His life was an example for all to follow. Not selfishly, but giving of ourselves and of what we have. Not in poverty, but in His richness. There are two simple steps to live by: First, glorify God by accepting Christ in to our lives and second, help our fellow man.

The wise men traveled to see and give, the shepherds did the same. Today we would recognize them as 'white collars' and 'blue collars.' Both are equal in the sight and life of Christ. Today, you do not have to travel to give. Open Door Mission was started through Full Spirit Ministries. Both still exist and have room for all in need as God directs. You, as a wise person, can help the homeless. Be an 'innkeeper' with Reverend Thebo. Give as unto Him, the Living Savior, Jesus Christ.

Our present location is 316 Jefferson Street in Fort Collins until God directs us elsewhere. (We need a new shelter to help even more.) Our mailing address is PO Box 1873, Fort Collins, CO 80522. If you would like to speak with me, I can be reached at 970-224-4302, ext. 10.

Yes, there IS room, because of you.

Your 'Innkeeper,'
Reverend Thebo

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