Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ending 2009 - Beginning 2010

“Old things are passed away – all things become new.” Revelation 21:4b-5a

That can apply to many things. And all things seen can be a negative or a positive, depending on the situation. Examples: Giving dad a tie he will never wear versus giving him a new pair of work gloves he needs and will truly appreciate. Giving a young boy a toy car when he is really into software… or a girl who feels she has outgrown dolls (it happens!) and really wants a friendship ring that really isn’t all that expensive. Will they say thank you? Yes. Will they feel disheartened? Yes.
How about mom… Maybe she does not get anything. Will she say it doesn’t matter as long as my family gets something? Will she feel saddened inside? Of course!

I have decided that giving is beautiful but let’s do it not only with a caring heart (which you do) but also with wisdom. The wise men came and gave not in abundance and not cheap, but gave only a few gifts and those were needed. Perhaps they used the gifts to exist on as they had to start a new life in a new country. I am not saying you should give what can be sold. I am saying we need to give wisely and give that which is most wanted and most needed. “I never got them.” “No one asked me what I wanted.” “One year I never received anything.” So, what I am saying is that Open Door Mission will do anything that it takes: time, caring, and giving. Time in researching what families want, caring enough to take the time, and researching what each family member truly wants.

We will organize a committee to set the rules; a team to research the families, pick and purchase the gifts and deliver them. Is this work? Yes. Is it a constructive and fulfilling way to make the whole family blessed in a joyful way? I truly believe so. Your financial gifts will be needed more than ever. If you are able and desire to be part of making families happy and blessed more than any other Christmas, call me and I will start selecting for 2010.

Yes, we will accept gifts of any kind in 2010. But we will also select a number of families to receive beyond an overpriced gift. I believe love and wisdom should go together and as most of us, I have learned by experience. Contact me for greater detail. And by the way, we have helped some wonderful families in 2009. It was FANTASTIC!

Rev. Thebo

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Fight the Good Fight

We send troops over seas to keep the battle from at home. And well we should. But yet the true battle is her and has been for many years. Our battle is hunger, shelter, education, prejudice, and selfishness. These unfortunately go on.

God has created man to worship Him and to help our fellowman. For when we glorify our Creator unselfishly, He opens avenues of wisdom, hope, health, and prosperity.

Jobs decrease hunger, homelessness, and violence, and gives another kind of hunger. A hunger for betterment of all mankind.

The elected president says that the United States of America is not a Christian nation. Wrong! We are established in the Word of God. We came to America to worship God in freedom. Not as the government dictates, but as the Word of God shows us to do. And there is only one God. One way – His way. And that way is love. Love for our fellowman in a constructive way. Not in blindness but in His wisdom.

Yes, praise God for our troops who fight for freedom and protect our beautiful country. But as the battle goes on, and has for thousands of years, let us not be caught by the worst enemy of all: indifference. Never let this happen! Love your fellow man by doing. Be the stranger that gives strength to those who are weak. Please, churches, businesses, groups, clubs, and individuals – let us stand together worshipping God and being supportive to those who are in need. Only in reaching out and giving, can we be heard within. God left His children here not to prove that we who accept Him are saved, but to glorify Him. And the way to do that is in helping others and ourselves. In love, in forgiveness, in selflessness.

America is beautiful because you are beautiful. Only one thing can destroy us. Indifference. Please do not let this happen. Help make 2010 the best year ever for all mankind! Please recognize this community’s starting gate. Open the door today through Open Door Mission in donations of food, clothing (in good condition), household items, and personal hygiene products along with your cash gifts to keep the doors of the mission open. And most of all, give of yourself! Volunteering along with your gifts is vital, for this, your home front. And you are on the frontline. Hunger, homelessness, and ignorance are all our responsibilities. But together, we are winners!

God Bless you this holiday season!

Rev. Thebo

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

No Room in the Inn

There was a reason for this to happen to the baby Jesus - to be born of the Virgin Mary, simply to show us that all are born equally. No one is better than anyone else. His life was an example for all to follow. Not selfishly, but giving of ourselves and of what we have. Not in poverty, but in His richness. There are two simple steps to live by: First, glorify God by accepting Christ in to our lives and second, help our fellow man.

The wise men traveled to see and give, the shepherds did the same. Today we would recognize them as 'white collars' and 'blue collars.' Both are equal in the sight and life of Christ. Today, you do not have to travel to give. Open Door Mission was started through Full Spirit Ministries. Both still exist and have room for all in need as God directs. You, as a wise person, can help the homeless. Be an 'innkeeper' with Reverend Thebo. Give as unto Him, the Living Savior, Jesus Christ.

Our present location is 316 Jefferson Street in Fort Collins until God directs us elsewhere. (We need a new shelter to help even more.) Our mailing address is PO Box 1873, Fort Collins, CO 80522. If you would like to speak with me, I can be reached at 970-224-4302, ext. 10.

Yes, there IS room, because of you.

Your 'Innkeeper,'
Reverend Thebo