Monday, September 13, 2010

A note about this Christian ministry.....

We strive to help and accommodate everyone we can in the name of Jesus Christ.

We do not voice an opinion on political matters, or people's beliefs in any political matters. We strive to help feed, clothe, shelter and counsel, get jobs, etc. Many programs are done by other agencies. We look to the inner person first: spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally. This starts with Christ. The Word says Christ is the respecter of no persons. This means He cares for us all equally. That doesn't mean we agree on everything privately - on different matters. It does mean that we love and care for all without prejudice. If you would ever like to say something about what we do in the name of Christ, PLEASE write us and set up a time to come by. I will give you a personal tour of where God has Opened the Doors to help people.

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Rev. Thebo

P.S. Would you like to write something about this ministry? Send your opinion to Open Door Mission, PO Box 1873, Fort Collins, CO 80522; Attn: Director and Pastor

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