Wednesday, June 30, 2010

James 2:14-17 Open Door is a Doer!

In faith we work hard at being doers of God's Word. Feeding, clothing, shelter, and much more. We do not force counseling on anyone; it is on a volunteer basis. Case work is for all who come.
Grace is a word often misued. It means "free gift" without strings attached. Very simple. And we simply help those in need in a constructive way. For example, if the need is a continuous thing, then just giving is not constructive. It is better to find out why there is a continuous need and help find a way to correct the problem. Drugs are a problem throughout the nation and throughout the world. Northern Colorado is certainly no exception. It is the same with alcohol, joblessness, emotional and physical problems. Should people be helped only in certain areas? God doesn't say that. We are servants of God, working with you. Church services, Bible studies and Christian films are also part of our programs. The personal touch of one to one is vital in each case. We do not mix genders. A female is helped only by a female. A male is helped only by a male. Groups are helped by either. We believe no one comes to a shelter without having a problem. Problem solving is what we are all about.

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