Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Double Happy Birthday

Open Door Mission is 22 years old this month and Rev Thebo is 69 years young this month also (September 11th). Both are going strong. Many people’s lives have been renewed by: God’s word, your financial help, and by the help of our volunteers. I must admit summer months are very weak in finances and volunteers. Please realize that to the blessed working person summer means lower utility costs, vacation, outings, outdoors, and fun. To the homeless it means pain - bad - if you have no shelter. This summer has also meant fewer jobs than usual. For too few, unfortunately, this is not a prosperous time. For many of us, it means a great time to be a blessing to help others. The shelter needs to be increased in size to help even more. I had a double hernia operation. They found I had a heart attack and several stress attacks. They said I needed an operation because my heart was not working fully. I prayed with others for my heart. When I went in for his scheduled surgery, the doctors found nothing wrong. Why didn’t I pray for my hernias, also? I ask, after the fact. But guess what? Rev Thebo feels better than he has in years. And will continue to work serving God in healing others for years as God is allowing. What a great birthday year! Please help by sending in double your normal giving and please also double your efforts in getting others to support Open Door Mission. God Bless You, Rev Thebo

Open Door Mission
August, 2009

Meals 4,138
Jobs 309
Counseling 61
Bible Studies 308
12 Step Program 69
Church 140
Sleep 955

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