Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Success often comes in the small things of life.

Over the years, I've had both male and female come to me and say "Thank you. You've saved my life." This is sometimes meant as if to say: you fed me when I had no food, and nowhere else to get a meal. Sometimes it is in regard to counseling. Heartache is a terrible thing. Sleeping out without even a blanket is a terrifying experience to a person who has never been homeless before. Then there is the ultimate: a person who has been contemplating suicide.
The fear of not seeing anything but the unknown...
Darkness without seeing light at the end of the tunnel of failure...
Hiding from a mate who has used you as a punching bag...
Shaking inside from that unknown tomorrow....

I've seen and felt all of these things over 33 years of being used by the Lord; in shelters, on the streets, in jails and numerous other places. So when someone says thank you for saving my life, they mean it. And they aren't speaking to just me. It's you and me, caring for that person beyond just saying "that poor soul."

Please, never look at the mistakes the unfortunate have made. We all make mistakes. But sometimes, the results are much worse for the homeless.

I ask you to care for those, right here at home. Then reach out farther as God gives you the resources to do so. Save a life.